Marvel Crisis Protocol Invitational Series

  • The Las Vegas Open Invitational Series is a year long set of events that lead up to the Invitational Tournament at the Las Vegas Open! Tournament Organizers can apply to run Marvel Crisis Protocol events to get their players points to qualify for the highest echelon of competition in these events spanning the year.

  • LVO 2025 Event information will be added later in the year as it becomes available.

  • This document is a living document and may change to adjust for changes within the game if necessary. The current release of rules and cards at the time of event will always be used.

    1. Painted Models, and Customization.

      1. The LVOIS Championship will require fully painted miniatures to participate. This consists of 3 different colors in appropriate locations on the model and a painted base. Exceptions can be made for models that are supposed to be one color, ie. Groot can be just brown.

      2. Models pre-released at Las Vegas Open are allowed as long as they are painted, based and marked as per the rules above. Models that have been pre-released at another convention but not released at Las Vegas Open or for the general public are not legal.

      3. If you have a question about your model, be it modifications, paint or legality of the model please contact the committee at If it is a modification or paint question please include a picture of your model/s and we will have the TO’s contact you for approval and/or questions.

    2. Play Space and Spectators.

      1. Spectators may watch the games from a safe distance but should maintain a safe distance as not to interfere with the game or to accidentally give out information that a player may not be aware of. It is acceptable to be about 6+ feet away. This also allows room for judges and staff when needed.

      2. The only people allowed at the table are Judges, TOs, Event Staff and the people playing the game. Spouses, significant others, teammates, etc are NOT allowed at the table. This will give all spectators the best available view, and also give judges, event staff and TO’s ease of access to the table when the need arises.

    3. Invitational Lists

      1. The Invitational will be a Standard Format Marvel Crisis Protocol event using the standard timeline restrictions.

      2. All lists for pre-qualified players must be turned in by 8 pm on Friday (submitted to Longshanks). All lists will be kept confidential until list pairings. This gives the event plenty of time to check lists and validate in case any issues arise.

      3. The LCQ winners will need to turn in their list promptly after winning the final round.

      4. Once a list has been turned in, the list is locked unless an erroneous or illegal list has been found. The TO/Judges will call the individual over to fix the list in private if the need arises.

      5. The invitational will start Saturday as noted on the LVO convention schedule.

    4. Recording and Streaming

      1. Tables will be recorded/streamed for the event. By entering this event, you are agreeing to be recorded or streamed should your game be scheduled on the streaming table. If you do not wish to be on stream please let a TO/Judge know and they will try their best to accommodate you. The final match will be streamed/recorded.

      2. There will be inter-round interviews conducted by the streaming crew.

    5. Judges/TO and Event Staff

      1. Judges and TOs are the final authority. If you have an issue, calmly discuss with the Judge/TO your reasoning and they will take it into consideration. If you feel that the ruling is incorrect you may escalate to the head judge. Once that call has been made, the ruling is final.

    6. Sportsmanship and Playing

      1. Any unsportsmanship-like conduct can and will disqualify you from the tournament. This applies to any and all rules within this document and rules within the Challenger packet if applicable.

      2. Any form of cheating, will immediately disqualify you from The Invitational and potentially up to other future events.

      3. Before any actions are taken (dice rolls, roster choice, etc), please go over the table, re-measure elements and be 100% clear of the table state as things can and will be moved, mats can shrink etc, during the convention. If you have a question about an element please call for a judge.

      4. Discuss all terrain features with your opponent before the start of the game die rolls.

      5. During play, be sure you and your opponent are clear on all your intentions and what you are doing during the game. If need be, you may need to speak up as it can be loud in the hall. Communication is key to having a good, clean game!

    7. Random bracket pairing will be used for the invitational.

    8. Upholding the community.

      1. As a player in the invitational you are expected to be an upstanding member of the community and hold the community values and the health of the community as a priority.

      2. It is your responsibility to maintain a demeanor and respect for not only your opponents but for the community as a whole.

      3. Any actions at the convention or elsewhere that are determined by LVOIS or Atomic Mass Games to be harmful to the community or its player base will result in a disqualification and possibly a ban from future LVOIS and Invitational events.

      4. Players are encouraged to bring any egregious acts against the community to the attention of LVOIS for consideration.

    How does a player qualify for The Marvel Crisis Protocol LVOIS?

    Players will attend sanctioned qualifying events and receive points based on their performance. Only the top 8 players will receive points. The amount of points will be determined by the size of tournaments, with an ending bonus based on attendance for tie breakers.

    Players will be awarded spots in The MCP LVOIS based on winning a qualifier. Winning a qualifier event qualifies you for a spot in the invitational. You may play in as many tournaments as you wish. Make sure your event organizer gets your name, email address, and Longshanks number, so points are collected for you.

    If a player is already qualified (or a Judge at LVO) the automatic qualification will go to 2nd place (Top tables, the person that looses to whomever wins the event. Or if there are 3 undefeated players going into the final round, it will be determined by SoS between those players. )

    All qualifier events must be approved by the committee.

    The top 58 players with 1st place wins will be invited to the MCP LVOIS. 5 spots will be filled from the LCQ (Last chance qualifier) events at LVO. The winner from the previous year will fill in the final 64th spot. If an individual is not able to make the event that is in the top 59 we will go down the points list until we have the top 59 committed to The Invitational, as long as they meet the requirements to earn the top 59 spots. The cutoff for consideration is a minimum of 10 points. We will start filling in players with points in Nov/Dec. In the event that someone has to drop once the convention starts we will pull additional players from the LCQ events.

    The “Last Call” for qualified players confirming they are attending the Championship is Dec 8th. After that players from the points lists will be invited to fill the open spots.

    Last call for event results turn in will be Dec 7th, unless the date of the events is after this which will need to be promptly turned in for points calculation.

    Points break down as followed

    (All players will receive a decimal point score of the total players in the event for tie breaks. Example: and event with 23 players, the winner will receive 20.23 points)

    15 or less

    If your event has less than 16 players, the first place player will receive points equal to 100% of the players in attendance. Example: If you have 10 players show up, 1st will receive 10, 2nd 6, 3rd 5, 4th etc.

    16-22 Players

    1st: 16

    2nd: 10

    3rd and 4th: 8

    5th and 6th: 7

    7th and 8th: 6

    23-46 Players

    1st: 20

    2nd: 12

    3rd and 4th: 11

    5th and 6th: 10

    7th and 8th: 9

    47-68 Players

    1st: 24

    2nd: 16

    3rd and 4th: 14

    5th and 6th: 13

    7th and 8th: 12


    1st: 30

    2nd: 20

    3rd and 4th: 18

    5th and 6th: 17

    7th and 8th: 16

    (Version 23-01-2024)

  • You can view and share the LVO Rules google doc here.

    (This is a living document with its intention to provide a baseline of expectations of play at LVOIS MCP events and may be used as a baseline for other MCP events too)

    Please see the linked google doc. This is to preserve formatting.

    For comments or corrections please contact Tyson Koch,

  • Invitation event application and rules

    If you wish to run a Qualifying event please fill out the form below and take note of the rules for a Qualifier.

    1. All Qualifying events should use the most current MCP rules, AMG Challenger Document, and/or LVOIS standards.

    2. All Qualifying events may not have pre qualifiers to get into a Qualifying event unless all the events are played on the same weekend. (Online leagues with a set start roster will be an exception)

    A) Example: Kingdom Con may hold a Standard on Friday and a Battle Realm on Saturday and the top 8 from both events can qualify to play in the Invitational Qualifier on Sunday; this is perfectly fine.

    B) Example: Random events held throughout the year cannot be played to "seed" or hold spots for a qualifier later in the year. 5 random local events during the year to "seed" any size event for an Invitational Qualifier event is not allowed.

    3. If you are listed as a Judge or Tournament Organizer you may not compete in the event you are running. (Though you may play the “Bye” to give a player a game for their default win)

    4. You may apply for more than one Invitational Qualifier, each Invitational Qualifier must be a minimum of 90days/3 months apart. Please fill out a different form for each event date. Please try to submit applications at least 30 days prior to event date. This allows people the chance to make travel plans for qualifiers.

    5. All Qualifiers must be completed by December 31st. This will give players enough time to schedule for the event and travel plans.

    6. Digital/Online Events will be considered, but will be limited.

    7. Team events are allowed, but they can ONLY be points events with top 3 teams receiving points.

    8. Events are not limited to North America, the whole world is allowed to apply for events.

    9. We recommend using for pairings and roster lists. Ranked events are not required.

    10. When approved you will also receive an email from admin at with information you will need to supply at completion of event.

    11. If results are not turned in within 30 days of event completion the event may be dropped from the qualifier series, no invitational awards given, the spot given to another event, and only be able to have a POINTS ONLY event next year if you apply.

    Full qualifier spots are currently full. We will release the last batch of Full Qualifiers in June for events that were not able to schedule until later in the year. You may still apply for events currently. They will just be Points Events.

    You can use the following form to apply

    Updated 2024-04-04

  • Player Point Totals updated as submitted

    Link to doc with all events and points